It’s a new year. It hardly seems possible that 2018 has come and gone. It was an amazing year, highlighted for me by the publication and launch of my book, Treasures in Secret Places. The year was full of amazing and challenging moments, and it shaped my vision for the possibilities of 2019. So I face forward with hope, excitement, and most of all, gratitude.
Though 2018 offered its fair share of losses and difficulties, those times were more than offset by the bounty of life, love, family, new opportunities, and peace. The memory markers of 2018 are about joy, not sadness, about hearts overflowing, not lack, and accomplishments, not failures.
So In 2019, I find myself looking forward with gratitude because of the grace that continues to reign over my life and the possibilities that lie ahead. By the grace of God, I have stepped into a new year. My journey continues, and that is more than enough.